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Saturday, December 1, 2012

my mission in life.

The Voice of Intuition or the Inner Critic? How to Tell The Difference by Valery Satterwhite
I've had an interesting week. Clearly the Universe is offering me reminder after reminder to acknowledge,UGG 3352, honor and trust my Intuition over all other voices - well-meaning advice of others including my own Inner Critic.
Two examples:
I received a very proper looking legal document in the mail indicating I had to pay $38 for some state fee as a sole proprietor. I was about to write the check when I felt a strong inner sensation that told me to stop and inquire. I checked out the website listed on the form and it seemed legitimate, official.
Still something unexplainable nagged at me. I called my attorney who set up my company to ask whether or not I was required to submit payment for such a fee. He told me to ignore the letter. Unfortunately there are many companies who prey on the legal naivety of many solo-preneurs. People tend to pay such invoices without question if the fee is under $50. Had I ignored my intuition I would be among those who were duped.
Like you, I get inundated with offers in my email box for products and services I 'have to have or do' or my 'business will fail'. I admit, in the past I have leaped upon these 'must do' services only to spend a lot of money with little or no return,you just can't ask a person to build a house if you do not teach him how to lay down a brick first. And in that way,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. For a while I deleted or ignored every pitch made to me through the Internet, traditional media sources, seminars and conferences I attended during the year.
Until last week.
I received an email offering a joint venture opportunity,wet conditions on the ground but short studs are better if you regularly play on a harder. Having learned my lesson in prior ill-advised joint ventures I was about to throw the email in the trash when that same inner presence stopped me in my tracks.
I've learned to pay attention.
I opened the email again and could feel the energy, integrity and sincerity in the way it was written and delivered. Instead of emailing a 'tell me more' response I picked up the phone and called the sender.
After a delightful hour-long call we created a mutually beneficial service enhancement that will provide tremendous value for the clients we serve and allow us to reach more people who can benefit from our expertise. It wasn't the same opportunity described in the original offer. It was more powerful, authentic and structured for the greater good of all. Had I ignored my gut intuition and tossed the email out of fear of making yet another joint venture mistake, I would have missed and opportunity to take a giant leap forward towards fully accomplishing my purpose, my mission in life.
The empowering voice of intuition,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots, which is your birthright, is a calm centered knowingness. It energizes and feels good. The disempowering voice of your Inner Critic sucks the life energy right out of you and doesn't feel good. Intuition is connected with who you really are and is inspiring. The voice of the Inner Critic is disconnected from your truth and holds you back from what your heart is calling you to become.
Pay attention to your feelings and thoughts. Notice what is intuition-based,So I came up with these tips and inspirations gleaned from my new favorite compliment., ones that lead you closer to accomplishing your mission in life. Notice what is self-doubt or fear based and direct you away from where you want to go,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Black Boots.
Act only upon intuition and inspiration.

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