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Friday, November 30, 2012

but of your thoughts and mind too.

Acknowledging Emotions and Feelings
What is a moral?
I'd say it's something you have an intense feeling or emotion about, generally so intense you would never cross its boundary.
Have you ever crossed a moral boundary,Ugg Bailey Button Mini? It doesn't feel good does it. But why,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots? Morals are not a physical thing i.e,UGG 3352. They can't be touched, purchased or photographed. They are an emotion manifested in a feeling; they manifest in the essence of your soul, which, in turn, is the very shape of your identity.
When you cross a moral boundary you go against a very strong emotion your soul has, and in doing this you are defying your own nature and it leaves you feeling terrible.
So, why did you cross that boundary? It's simple -- because you didn't acknowledge the feelings which were of your own nature. Due to a lack of understanding of your own nature perhaps from a pressure imposed on you from your immediate surrounds.
How do I start to feel? It is simple. Start with a thought, not just any thought but an important thought. Try quietly, just for a few seconds observing your immediate feelings from a happening in your life; it can be simple or a life changing thing.
Acknowledge it by resolving that this is how you feel about this, but don't stop there and close yourself off to it. Try to understand it, as it is a part of you and there for a reason -- your soul may be trying to tell you something
Acknowledging your true feelings is more than just saying "Yes, I feel this way right now". It's about feeling the feeling and applying thought to it, and coming to a decision as to whether to act on it or not. Acknowledge your feelings in this way and it will lead to a relaxed composure not only of your body, but of your thoughts and mind too,then chances are that your self-esteem is better than that of someone who had parents who mainly made negative remarks. Whatever the causes for low self-esteem.
Why bother with any of this? Well, for one, acknowledging your feelings brings you into contact with the immortal part of your own nature -- your soul. This is important as it is your soul that guides you and shapes the world directly around you.
Because of this,and so on., victims will always be victims; unsatisfied individuals will never be content and those who poison their own good days with imaginings and nit picking will never be happy.
Feelings are an interpretation of events that happen to you in life; the interpreter is the soul and hence is the root of the feeling. Acknowledging these feelings leads you into contact with your soul and therefore a greater understanding of self.
Feelings and emotions can manifest tension in different areas of your body. For instance,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Sand Boots, there are sympathetic points in the sternocloidemastoid (the frontal muscle of your neck). When your emotions get backed up and are not dealt with, this muscle can become tight and lead to irritability, headaches and lot more.
Simply by dealing with a feeling, such as standing up for yourself can ease these muscles and save you from pain and suffering. This is just a physical manifestation of feelings, deeper feelings and emotions that are left in the "too hard basket" can lead to lack of focus, motivation, hypertension & depression.
When you become one with your feelings, you merge with yourself and are free to observe and enjoy life in all its glory. It is your feelings that guide you towards the meanings of the questions you are here to answer; they guide you to your niche in life where you are happiest and able to learn the most in the easiest of life's ways.
For example, it is your feelings and emotions which enable you to identify your greatest love in life -- your own identity! Acknowledging them would lead you to take that on as a physical profession, and in doing so you dissolve one of the largest constraints of modern life work. In doing something you love you'll never have to work again because every day is play!
Some people get a buzz from accounting, some from skateboarding, others from retail and still others from law. No one knows why or understands someone elses passion but that's OK because they don't need to!
It is the feelings and emotions your soul transmits to you that will lead you towards your true identity and the happiest life possible, and living a happy life is what we all dream about, isn't it?

Monday, November 26, 2012

in some cases

The Achilles’ Heel Of Management Coaching
While heading home at day's end, you begin reflecting on a coaching meeting you had earlier that day with an employee, Chris. You hope that, this time, you finally succeeded in getting her to understand the importance of spending less time in disruptive socializing in the office and more time elevating her performance. If not, you feel that your only remaining alternatives are to give her a poor performance evaluation or demotion or may even fire her. You're reluctant to do either of the first two things because you know these would disrupt the positive work relationship you've had with Chris. And you don't really want to fire her. On the other hand, you're running out of patience,Miami Phillips; this is the fourth time you've said something to Chris about the situation,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Sand Boots. Admittedly, the first few times, your comments may have missed the mark because you gave her only some casual feedback,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chestnut Boots. But about a month ago,get over it. Let go of past failures, you held a formal coaching meeting with Chris, in which you discussed the situation in depth and came away thinking that she understood the need to change her behavior. In fact, she did change. But after a week or so, she was back to her old behavior.
Sound familiar? The most critical step in the management coaching process – getting an employee to agree there's a need for improvement – is usually not well understood or well executed. Without that, there's little likelihood of any permanent change.
Not a chewing out
As the use of coaching rises, so does the confusion over what it is and isn't. I define management coaching as an interpersonal process between a manager and an employee in which the manager helps the employee redirect his or her performance while maintaining mutual trust. Coaching differs from feedback,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots, although feedback is part of the management coaching process. Feedback is given by a manager or supervisor in response to a specific event or situation; coaching focuses on a pattern of behavior along with strategies for growth and development. Coaching is all about the art of turning situations and events into learning and growing experiences. Examples include missing several deadlines in a short period despite being reminded that meeting deadlines is important, continuing to arrive late for work after being told tardiness is not acceptable, and continuing to interrupt others in spite of receiving feedback that such behavior isn't appropriate. Management Coaching is not "chewing out", taking to task, or threatening employees to try to improve their performance. Those tactics can work, but the results may be worse than the original problem. Such approaches tend to make employees passive-aggressive. They will walk the line and do nothing more or less than what is asked,a web designer or a search engine optimizer.
In general, a management coaching meeting should take place only after an employee understands clearly what's expected and has received feedback at least once that his or her performance is not what it could or should be. However, in some cases, certain significant events may be the focus of a coaching meeting, before they develop into a pattern of behavior. For example, a manufacturer decided that any safety violation – no matter how minor – would be addressed in a coaching discussion and, if significant, could lead to formal discipline.
Coaching involves these critical elements:
A two-way dialogue
A series of interdependent steps or objectives
Specific coaching skills and strategies
Courage and conviction
A personal sense of humor
The management coaching process has two primary areas of focus: helping an employee recognize the need to improve his or her performance and developing an employee's commitment to taking steps to improve performance permanently,UGG 3352.
While all of the steps in the C.M.O.E coaching model are important, the most critical one is often not understood or carried out effectively – getting an employee to recognize and agree that there is a need to improve his performance. That step is equally important whether an employee has a specific performance problem or an employee is an average performer who could do better. Without a felt need for change and greater self awareness, there's little likelihood that any improvement will occur or that it will be permanent.

What is my life about

Writing Your Personal Vision/Mission Statement
I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my coaching practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my work is closely related to my personal vision. Having a job that reflects my personal vision is powerful because it has allowed me to create a business life for myself that truly reflects who I am.
Companies know all about vision and mission statements and getting their employees on board. Vision and mission statements propel the company in the direction that they want,it's then time to look ahead to next year. I complete this cycle for my work and family life. The end of the year is a precious time for my wife, and ultimately towards success. Many of us have spent countless hours working on these statements for our employers, and doing our part to contribute to their vision as a part of the team. Much like a business, we, as human beings have a purpose or mission in life.
What if we spent as much time getting to know who we are and what we want for ourselves? A personal vision/mission statement is the framework for creating a powerful life. Unlike a goal,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Sand Boots, a vision or mission rarely changes. It is a reason for our existence. It guides us in the decisions we make and the directions we take.
Your Personal Vision
Close your eyes and picture yourself in the future. It may be a few months or years from today. See the person you are; what you are doing, who you are with, what you have accomplished, what is important to you, and how people relate to you. How does it feel to be you? Feel the person you are, your true self. Now, open your eyes and see your life and yourself in the present, through those eyes. You will begin to notice the changes you need to make to honour this vision and lead a powerful life. A Personal Vision is a picture of your True Self in the future. An effective personal vision includes all the important elements of your life and career; it is who you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to feel, what you want to own, and who you want to associate with. Although your personal vision helps you to see into the future, it must be grounded in the present. It is a statement of who you are, and who you are becoming. It is the framework for the process of creating your life. Your vision is where you are headed, how you get there is your mission statement.
Your Personal Mission Statement
A Personal Mission Statement is how you will manifest your Personal Vision in your daily life,imagine how much more satisfying it would be if you sprayed it on yourself.. It may be a few words or several pages, but it is not a "to do" list. It reflects your uniqueness and must speak to you powerfully about the person you are and the person you are becoming. Remember, it's okay to be where you are, while heading somewhere else. In fact, the only place you can start, is where you are right now,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chestnut Boots. Having a personal vision does not mean your life changes overnight. But it will change. Your personal mission statement provides the steps to get you there.
Your Personal Mission Statement should answer three questions:
What is my life about (Purpose)?
What do I stand for (Values)?
What actions do I take to manifest my Purpose and my Values?
Stephen Covey writes that an empowering Mission Statement: Represents the deepest and best within you. It comes out of a solid connection with your deep inner life. Is the fulfillment of your own unique gifts. It's the expression of your unique capacity to contribute. Addresses and integrates the four fundamental human needs and capacities in the physical, social/emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions. Deals with all the significant roles in your life. It represents a lifetime balance of personal,There are two types of shyness., family,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Black Boots, work, community-whatever roles you feel are yours to fill. Is written to inspire you-not to impress anyone else. It communicates to you and inspires you on the most essential level.
"Creating a Personal Mission Statement will be, without question, one of the most powerful and significant things you will ever do to take leadership of you life. In it you will identify the most important roles, relationships, and things in your life - who you want to be, what you want to do, to whom and what you want of give your life,UGG 3352, the principles you want to anchor your life to, the legacy you want to leave. All the goals and decisions you will make in the future will be based upon it. It's like deciding first which wall you want to lean your ladder of life against, and then beginning to climb. It will be a compass - a strong source of guidance amid the stormy seas and pressing, pulling currents of you life." Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
A Personal Vision/Mission can help propel you into a new job, or make your present job work better for you. The more connected your Personal Vision/Mission is to yourself, the better it can guide your career and your life.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

that those who have

To Those Who Have,it can be a fun challenge., More Will Be Given by Jimmy Roos
I don't know about you but I never understood this verse in the Bible. Doesn't it seem a very unfair statement? Nobody could really give me a satisfactory explanation, which would change that view. That was until recently when I finally understood what I think is its "true meaning."
"To have" or "not to have" as meant by this verse doesn't necessarily mean tangible wealth or possessions as most people who heard this verse thought, although it has a bearing on whether you will keep tangible possessions or not.
Rather it refers to an "attitude" as most scriptures in the Bible do. The verse says, that those who have, will receive more but those who don't have will lose even the little they have. Lets get a little practical here and see if I make any sense.
What this means is you may not have tangible possessions and yet you may have more than someone who has tangible wealth. Those who have, acknowledge that they have received and are therefore grateful. This feeling of gratitude is reflected in the way they live their lives.
People who have, often gives and helps others, which is a sign that they have, because in nature you can only share or leave over for others when you have enough. People who are like this will receive even more.
Everybody loves people who give, don't you? We want to do things in return for them, including wanting to do business with them,It was New Years Eve in 2000. I was sitting in my apartment. Let me give you a practical example. The most successful Internet marketers have realized that in order to sell, they have to give something away. Those who give the most away are often the most successful.
If you are stingy and you want people to buy your products, but you are not prepared to give, then know that you won't last long no matter how good your product is.
What is your attitude? Do you think you have or do you think you don't have,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chestnut Boots? Have you ever heard someone who proclaims that he can't actually do something great?
Just look around you and you'll find that more than 80% of those who have achieved something in life think that "they have" and that "they can". Compare that with those people in life, who are really struggling, and you'll find that they feel they don't have and that they can't.
"To have" also means to recognize that "you can," which is only possible because you have received unique skills and talents,Interesting Brain Facts You May Not Have Been Aware Of by Greg Frost.
What this verse merely says and which is confirmed by tangible reality is that your attitude determines your reality. The only way you can and will get and keep real wealth is when you change your attitude.
Those who do not have, as described by this verse are always complaining, about how difficult things are. Don't you know people who are like that? They are stingy and are often critical of others. They believe they owe nobody nothing and doesn't do anything unless they get something in return,Ugg Bailey Button Mini.
The difference between those who have and those who don't have is this. Poor people want to receive tangible things such as wealth and possessions first, before they "recognize" that they have.
Unfortunately the Universe doesn't work that way. You must first recognize what you have, including your talents, your health, good eyesight,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots, hearing, good legs to walk with and use these, and only then will you receive the tangible things you seek such as wealth and happiness.
If you "don't have", it is perhaps because you don't have the attitude of those who have. That's why you constantly find that nothing seems to work for you. It is as if there's a hole in your pocket. Even the little you make seems to just slip through these holes.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Achieve Your Goals

Achieve Your Goals
First and foremost, do you have goals? And second of all, do you have those essential reasons behind your goals that make you more driven and say to yourself that you do the very things that inch you toward them? In short, do you have reasons to be serious enough in aspiring and ultimately, reach those objectives? A favorite saying of someone I know is (and I have heard over the past few years), "the solutions or answers are often apparent once you get the questions right." Anyway, here are a few questions worth considering that may help you accomplish your desired purposes perhaps even sooner than you think.
1,a supreme imperial dragon could be a great help to you.) Am I even inspired to reach my goals? 2,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Sand Boots.) Is what am I doing at this moment moving me toward my goals? 3.) Am I truly serious about accomplishing my goals or are these goals just something that will be nice to have? 4.) Does my action or behavior moves me closer or much farther from my objectives? 5.) Of all the things I can be doing at this moment with my time, is this truly the best and effective thing I could do right now to move me closer to my dreams? Or maybe am I only rationalizing that this is moving me closer to my dreams because I'm unable or not willing to do what I know really needs to be done? A friendly bit of advice: Do those things that bring you much closer to your desired purposes, and stop doing those things that do not bring you toward your objectives.
Okay, some people might react, "well, you think it's that simple, it's not that simple!" alright—are you sure about that? Because it is possibly and really not that complicated as you think,UGG 3352. These days, most of the things you should do should move you closer to your dreams,Ugg Bailey Button Mini. We actually encourage you to ponder on the question, "What will happen if most of what I did or said moved me closer and closer toward my aspirations?" See, no one is suggesting you to be perfect,they might be making up a story to cover the real incident. If they look up to the left.
If you feel you aren't moving as fast as you would like closer to your goals, chances are that there is a very huge gap between your most-of-the-time attitude and your current attitude that the objectives need to reach for them. Grab the opportunity and take advantage of the fact that in your hands lays your ability to change all that.
So...what are you waiting for--just change it now,Suppose your goal is to make more money. You state your goal! The more reasons you have for attaining your desired purpose, the more likely you are to accomplish things that your dreams require in achieving them. Your dreams are your tangible whatand your values are the emotional why behind your dreams. To be perfect is actually not a necessary requirement.
Simply get on with the Program' so you could attain these goals for the reasons that are significant in your life's happiness. Go ahead, enjoy the results and don't forget to have fun along the way.

When someone follows you into a dark alley

Effective Steps To Manage Anxiety by Aurelia Williams,when you understand the power of binaural beats this information becomes much more practical.
Have you ever been in a situation that brought on sweats, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath? You probably weren't having a heart attack but an anxiety attack. If you suffer from anxiety disorders, learning to manage anxiety is the first step to overcoming it.
Anxiety is characterized as extreme reactions to fearful situations.
When someone follows you into a dark alley, those anxious feelings of a racing heartbeat and sweaty palms gives way to heightened senses and a rush of adrenalin that can save your life. This is the fight or flight syndrome.
In the case of frequent anxiety,this doesn't mean that you no longer need to learn speed reading. Consider this, the fearful feelings are dread of a particular situation and not the situation itself. Getting caught in traffic can cause an anxiety attack over what might happen when you get to work late. Starting a new job can bring on anxiety attacks. You don't know anyone and fear of that unknown can send you into a panic.
Everyone experiences panic or anxiety in small ways. Like the fight or flight example, it can save your life. In new situations, we get panicky but when the outcome we fear fails to materialize, the anxiety stops. For someone with chronic anxiety, this is not the case.
Every situation that brings anxiety is not life-threatening. More than likely it is an extremely stressful situation that has brought on the anxiety as a way of dealing with it. Unchecked anxiety of this type can lead to depression.
If you suffer from anxiety attacks on occasion or a more frequent anxiety disorder, there are steps you can take to manage anxiety and get it under control.
1. See a professional. This is always a good first step. Self-diagnosis of any type of physical or mental condition is unwise and can be dangerous. A professional psychologist can help you understand your anxiety and prescribe medication or other effective techniques.
2. Get a good night's sleep. During the sleep cycle, your body repairs itself. You feel more rested after several hours of restorative sleep, reaching the REM stage. Most people need eight hours a night which varies within an hour or two each way.
3. Exercise on a consistent basis. Exercise helps you to use oxygen more efficiently. It helps to get more oxygen to the brain. It also increases focus which may help you see solutions to problems rather than simply worrying about them.
4. Meditate. Meditation is more than chanting mantras. Yoga is an exercise that involves quieting the mind and controlling your breathing. Simple mediation such as taking 5 minutes to clear your mind everyday can work wonders in the fight against anxiety.
5. Manage the worry. When you feel your pulse start to quicken, count backwards from ten. As you count, focus on the situation,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. What has actually happened? Resist the urge to read anything more into the situation.
6. Don't use alcohol. You might think that the glass of wine is relaxing your tension but alcohol is a depressant. In anxious situations you could rely too heavily on it and gain another problem in the process.
7,UGG 3352. Find some relaxing activities,There are quite a number of auction sites available for the purchase of subliminal products. Stress can rob you of your energy. On a regular basis, do something you like such as gardening,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Black Boots, painting, reading or listening to music.
Anxiety can come into your life at any time. It's normal. When the anxiety becomes frequent you could be at risk for more serious conditions. If you feel your anxiety is starting to take over your life or increasingly causing you problems, seek professional help immediately. There is no need to suffer this terrible condition in silence.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

If you do not know the answer why waste time guessing when you can open your mouth and ask

How to Use Discouragement to Motivate Yourself
Ever feel like giving up? Do you ever feel so discouraged that even one more day of frustration will be too much too handle?
Everyone gets discouraged at times only there are a number of key differences between people who keep on going and those who give up:
1 Focus On Your Goal Not On Your Problems
One of my mentors is a highly successful property developer and he loves solving problems,UGG 3352. All day long he can take on one problem after the next and just keep going.
How does he do this when most people would feel overwhelmed?
He understands the importance of focus. He never loses sight of his goal and his goals so excite him that problems are nothing more than stepping stones to the achievement of his outcomes.
If you are feeling discouraged it is very likely because your focus is on what has not worked; your setbacks and your fears.
Discipline your mind to focus on your goals and discouragement will fade into the distance.
2 Ask For Help
You do not have to deal with everything alone. Ask for help from someone who is qualified to help you and act on their good advice,friends.
Two minds are better than one especially when your mind is full of discouragement.
And,it comes, you will feel stronger knowing that someone else is backing you, keen to see you succeed.
When you think about it.
The only thing stopping your from getting from where you are to where you want to be is -- learning! Learning an effective approach,Ugg Bailey Button Mini.
If you do not know the answer why waste time guessing when you can open your mouth and ask?
3 Learn How Your Mind Works
Once you take charge of your thoughts and your emotions you will be able to deal with whatever challenges come your way. Until that happens you will always be at mercy to the ups and downs of life.
The most valuable gift you can give yourself is the ability to master self-motivation.
The moment I finally understood how to motivate myself was the day my life changed forever,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Black Boots. I discovered a tenacity that sees me though any challenges I have to deal with.
Until you learn how to run your brain it really is like having a super computer without a user manual,as some of us have learned. The power to motivate yourself will never be available to you until you commit to learning how to do it.
Feelings of frustration, discouragement and overwhelm are not random occurrences. It all comes down to how you use your mind.
What if you had a simple user manual for your mind with instructions that have already worked for thousands of people?
The information is out there - go study how to run your brain!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Here's what I learned

Being Part Of The Team by Fred Nicklaus
In high school I had the good fortune of having very demanding and knowledgeable football coaches. Our head coach's name was Jim Haluska. He was one of the premier coaches in the state of Wisconsin. As I look back on my time with him I realize that he taught me many things about commitment to the team and physical and mental toughness.
Let me share one of his lessons with you.
One day after the sophomore football season Coach Haluska saw me on my way out the door after school,And it is .... He asked me if I was coming to the voluntary work out that the football players were doing after school. I said that I would not be and that I was working out on my own at home. I really was working out on my own lifting weights quite a bit,Ugg Bailey Button Mini. That didn't sit very well with Coach and he went on to give me a good grilling about the need to work out with my friends in order to develop team unity and to work on some of the drills that he had specifically chosen for his football players. His grilling was also combined with an additional grilling by our offensive line coach. It went something like this, "Nicklaus doesn't have to work out with the team. He's working out on his own."You many consider this fairly minor but the point was made and I was at the next voluntary practice and everyone after that.
As I look back on that lesson I realized that it was very valuable to me and has helped me in helping my students and my staff prepare for bigger and better things.
Here's what I learned:
1. A team is a team,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots. In order for a team to grow and experience their fullest potential the team members must spend time working together and getting to know each other better.
2. You need a mentor. A mentor is someone who has valuable experience and knowledge that you do not have,it can seem and is overwhelming. But if we chunk it down into smaller tasks the world starts to look a lot brighter. Try this 4S strategy..
3. You need to listen to your mentor,how about the timeno. Many times students find someone who can really help them grow and become the person that they are capable of becoming but they choose to follow only the instructions that are comfortable to them. Following the instructions that you are comfortable with will only take you as far as your knowledge will allow. Why bother having a mentor if you don't allow him/her to give you the full benefit of their work and knowledge,UGG 3352? Note: For parents of young students it's you who must guide your child in difficult commitment decisions and doing what's necessary to achieve remarkable results. Are you willing to trust your child's mentor and do the things that he/she recommends?
4. There must be sacrifice and commitment.
I'm thankful that my coaches gave me a hard time because they realized that I was making a mistake. I'm thankful that I listened.
Make the plan, work the plan,
Fred Nicklaus

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

you become successful at that moment.

Become A Smashing Success Instantly With Integrity Using This One Secret by Phil Barnao
Ask that to 10 people and you'll probably get 10 different answers. Everyone's opinion of success seems to differ.
We must define it because in order to reach success you must first have an understanding of what it is. You'll never get somewhere you don't first see in your mind,UGG 3352.
It's probably easier to explain success by first stating what it is not.
It is not a "destination", nor is it a fancy car,if you swear on a bible or promise to put your own eyes out, jewelry, a giant house or any other type of status (although there is nothing wrong with those things). It's not a certain level of money or a specific job or business.
Success has nothing to do with any of this!
Success is measured by the individual. Nobody can tell you that you are or are not successful because it's different for each of us.
I came across the best definition of success I've ever heard by someone very qualified to give it,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chestnut Boots. With a wall of college basketball records here is coach Wooden's definition of success...
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." ~ John Wooden
Coach Wooden believed that it was impossible to give 100% effort all the time so he used "knowing you did your best". What's important with this is that it leaves room for ERROR.
Too many people get discouraged if they make mistakes and I'm here to tell you that you WILL make mistakes and you will fall, but what's important is that you GET BACK UP. The only time you lose the fight is if you stay down.
I also believe part of success is finding your passion and "purpose" in life and pursuing it with heart.
>From all this I've come up with my own definition of success
"Success is peace of mind directly resulting from the self-satisfaction of uncovering your purpose in life and knowing you did your best to become the best you're capable of and then using it to bless others." ~ Fired Up Phil's revised definition of success
Success has everything to do with personal development. How much can you learn and grow and build character so you can be a better husband, wife, father, mother, friend, colleague or business person.
.So you can offer a better product or service and be more valuable to others, changing lives in the marketplace and all around you.
The more that you grow the more you will posses inside to offer others and the better relationships you'll have. This will lead to more happiness and fulfillment since we were created to fellowship with others.
The minute you understand that success is a continual process that never ends and you commit yourself to it, you become successful at that moment.
As far as the car, house, money and all the other things, well those are material goals and everyone has different goals. Not everyone wants to own three Mercedes and a 10,000 sq ft house. Again, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I believe wealth and prosperity are spiritual attributes that everyone should shoot for, but you can be successful without money.
Mother Teresa for example did not drive a Mercedes and yet she was a smashing success in her own right and lifetime.
Goals and desires are different for all people and have nothing to do with success.
You can decide right now that you ARE successful. No other person has any right or validity in telling you otherwise. You are a miracle from birth and have been designed for greatness. As the saying goes "God doesn't make junk".
Don't allow your mind (low self esteem) to tell you otherwise. Don't judge yourself harshly and be your own worst enemy. And especially don't compare what you have to others allowing that to determine yourself worth and value.
YOU determine yourself worth, not others! You are a successa smashing success at that, the moment you DECIDE you are.
"Success is more about who you are, than what you accomplish"
If you insist on having a benchmark, use this...
"Success is giving your best in growing to reach your God given potential and using it to benefit and contribute to others,Before you know it."
If you're doing that, you ARE successful and it's just a matter of getting focused on what you would like to accomplish in your life and steering in that direction. Find your passion and pursue it,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Black Boots.
If you know that you would rather be doing something different in life and you're not pursuing it that is what I call "selling out" on your heart.
I'm not saying you have to jeopardize your family and up and quit your current job or business, but I am saying you should be working on your dreams and passions at least on a part time basis so that you can eventually grab a hold of it and take it to the highest level you can, since that is what you truly dream of.
Wouldn't it be awesome to earn lots of income doing something you're passionate about and truly enjoy instead of from a job you don't really care for? Some people HATE what they do.
To them and maybe to you, making money doing what you love almost sounds too good to be true? Yet, that's the way it's supposed to be. This is called "turning your avocation into your vocation".
When you do this life becomes easy and enjoyable because you begin to utilize your God given talents and abilities instead of just doing what you're used to. This is also when more money usually starts to flow into your life as well.
One of the best ways to "grow" is to choose to earn a LOT of money because of the character it builds in the process. To accomplish this will force you to uncover and develop your gifts,for they shall be filled..
Income rarely exceeds personal development ~ Jim Rohn
As this happens you will be a good steward with the money because of the character you've built and you will change other people's lives because of who you are.
The world needs more good hearted people who are good stewards and have BIG hearts AND BIG bank accounts to be used for good.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bothell has fantastic geometric insight and vision

The New Age Mathematician...Changing the World One Step At A Time
Jerald Bothell began his studies at Syracuse University. He received his B.S. from there in 1990 and moved to the University of California at Berkeley to undertake research in the area of theory of probability. After completing his Ph.D., Bothell spent the years of 1995-96 in Vegas to study the addictive habits of casino players and their magnetic draw to this city.
Throughout this period, Bothell continually worked on this one area which fascinated him. One of his students sums up this work:- It is evident that Dr. Bothell's contributions to the field of probability are of considerable depth. However, what sets them apart is their marvelous originality. This is also true of his subsequent work on statistics.
In 1997, Dr. Drusler and Dr. Kingsman, authors of Integrated Mathematics describes Bothell's contributions in the fields of statistics and probability:
Bothell has fantastic geometric insight and vision: his ideas have completely revolutionized the study of probability in 2 and 3 dimensions, and brought about a new and interplay between analysis and geometry.
In 2000, Dr. Bothell wrote an advanced version of the Ultimate Lottery System and immediately used its hidden secrets. His results yielded him a net gross of 5,UGG 3352.5 million dollars in one year. Bothell's work on statistics and its results has established him as well known guru in lottery circles nationwide. Kingsman describes this geometrical work in the following summary:-
Bothell's results are surprising and beautiful. The method is a new level of geometrical analysis - in the sense of powerful geometrical estimation on the one hand, and spatial visualization and imagination on the other,Innate Talent, which are truly remarkable,but the most words used are.
Dr. Bothell has received many honors in addition to his work in the field of the theory of probability. He now resides in Texas with his wife,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots, Eva,Why does this always happen to me, and has sold the copyrights of his lottery system to Pooh Bear Enterprises. He stays in frequent contact with the CEO and staff of P.B. Enterprises to ensure the accuracy and quality of his work. His goal is to help as many people as he can to reach their life dreams and share the great fortune of this land.
Dr. Bothell list his hobbies as cinema and reading, and his favorite sports are football and golf,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Black Boots.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

While the term depression has been commonly used that people tend not to take it seriously anymore

Dealing With Sorrow – Depression Management by Rene Graeber
While the term depression has been commonly used that people tend not to take it seriously anymore, it is a very serious condition that could impair one's life. Depression is very difficult. It can debilitate one's normal functions, making even the most mundane tasks such as getting up from bed or eating breakfast seemingly difficult. It is sad to think that a lot of depressed individuals are not treated because of the high costs of therapy. However,just one more second of your time. And all you want is a little piece and quiet., coping with depression is still possible without professional help if one knows depression management,as we know. Here are a few things that can help people deal with depression, it is important to note however,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Sand Boots, that professional therapy is still very invaluable with serious depression. These steps are just suggestions for alleviating the condition.
Staying active is one way to take one's mind off depression. Primarily,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots, activities help distract people from whatever it is that is causing their depression and it also helps channel unspent energies that build up when one is depressed. Keeping active also releases endorphins – natural mood boosters that somehow cheer people up.
It is also important to take a rest. Being depressed can be very exhausting, so it is essential to regain strength and energy if one is to deal with depression. Relaxation techniques can help one be more attuned to the self and be more at peace. When resting, stressors should be kept away from the bedroom so that ample rest can be obtained.
Depressed people should also express their emotions. Depression usually results from suppressed emotions,Ugg Bailey Button Mini. People who are grieving can be prone to depression if they keep their emotion to themselves. A lot of people avoid crying because they think it might be a sign of weakness. However, it is important to cry because it releases one's emotions. When expressing feelings, it is important to avoid catharsis – venting up one's anger by doing something violent like boxing, smashing things, and the like. Catharsis does not release one's emotion, especially anger. Rather, it makes a person practice violence as an expression of emotion, and thus can be very dangerous.
Hang around with friends and loved ones. Depressed individuals need support very much. Other people can distract one from stressors. People can also remind a depressed individual that there can be more to life, and it is worth living even if it is simply because of the company of wonderful people.
Lastly, it is important to believe in oneself. A lot of people get depressed because they put themselves down. It is important to satisfy oneself and gain a sense of self-worth. It is good to do something that would make one happy. Prioritizing one's self can help one to believe that one's own life is important and can be enjoyed. Being kind to oneself is one of the most important steps to get away from a depressive state.
Depression management is possible and entails taking charge of one's self. When dealing with depression however,practical and fun. So, it is important not to rush. Sadness does not disappear overnight; it takes time to get back on one's feet. Little by little, one can get out of depression and have a normal life once more.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

being bitten by a big

Learn to Responding Rather than Reacting To Anger
Think of your brain as a juke box where most of your records your reactions to different situations were recorded well before your reached adolescence. Then, as life goes on and every time someone pushes your button,he is definitely in need of anger management., you automatically play the record that fits each situation.
Take for instance, being bitten by a big, black dog at age 3. As a normal child your brain would make a record called "become afraid when you see a big, black dog."
Forward to age 28. you have forgotten the dog incident at age 3. You are walking down the street and pass a dog that is big and you guessed it black. You automatically feel anxiety and apprehension and you want to avoid it, even though it is behind a gate and cannot harm you now. You find yourself thinking things like, "Big black dogs are dangerous," and "It's better to walk on the other side of the street."
And so it is with many anger reactions. We find people and situations that literally "push our buttons," and we respond just like that juke box that automatically pulls down a record and starts playing it.
Of course, there are times when we SHOULD play the usual record. For instance," are driving the bus and are in control -- determining what happens in your life., many social ills in our society are solved by people becoming righteously indignant (a form of anger) and taking action to correct an evil or a wrong.
Other times, anger gets people's attention and they start taking us more seriously. But, 95% of the time, the negative far outweighs the positive when we lose control of our anger feelings. The costs are usually high and the benefits low.
Most of the time, anger simply doesn't get us what we desire or need in the first place and only makes things worse in terms of consequences to us, our "victims," and to the people (like children or employees) who may witness it.
Rather than reacting to anger triggers, here are five steps you can learn to choose how to deal with the situation to respond rather than react.
1,Ugg Bailey Button Mini. Awareness: Become more aware of patterns of behavior you exhibit to life triggers. The first step in changing behavior is to become aware of it and recognize it as it is occurring. For instance, "Whenever she talks to her mother on the phone, I want to grab the receiver and slam it down."
2. Consequences: Learn to think of consequences before you act impulsively. Ask yourself: "If I do that it will only make matters worse; she will think I don't like her mother; it will stop us from being close tonight; Is it worth it to get angry?"
3. Listen: Listen to the conversation that you are having with yourself and have a different one! As human beings, we have the ability to monitor our own thinking patterns to think about what we are thinking about: "Why am I thinking she shouldn't talk to her mother? Why am I trying to control her? What right do I have to demand she give me attention instead of being on the phone? Am I the center of the universe?"
4. Interrupt your normal pattern of behavior and replace it with conscious behavior that moves you closer to your real goals: "What are my options in dealing with this besides getting angry?"
Go over and kiss her on the neck
Whisper, "I could use some attention."
Tell her how it makes you feel when she spends so much time on the phone instead of with you,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots.
Pick your battles and learn to accept irritating behavior without getting upset.
5,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chestnut Boots. Observe: Watch how differently people respond to you after you start doing things differently. For instance, your husband complains about his boss. If your usual response is to say something like "I'm tired of hearing you complain about her would you like to hear about a day that was really horrible?" try support and understanding: "I'm so sorry you had such a tough day; would you like to tell me about it,a new car?" See if he doesn't respond to you differently than normal. It is much better to try to change other people's response to you by changing you first rather than just demanding that they change to satisfy your needs.

Friday, November 9, 2012

cat or other animal

Learn How To Meditate From Animals,UGG 3352
You can learn how to meditate from a book,Ugg Bailey Button Mini, but meditation is as much an art as a science, and arts especially are better taught by live teachers than by books. That is why meditation is often learned quicker and brought to a deeper level when the beginner has someone to model their practice on. Can that someone be a dog, cat or other animal?
Learn How To Meditate From Your Cat
Have you ever watched a cat clean itself? It is usually fully involved in the process, and if you watch, you can intuitively sense that the cat is living right in the moment. It isn't thinking about what it will do later, or something that happened this morning. Watch how a cat stretches out in the sun and relaxes.
This is the natural state of "being in the now" that meditators work towards. Of course animals are afraid, but they aren't afraid and thinking "I shouldn't be afraid." They feel pain without the added suffering of contemplating the future of it. This "being here now" is what you see in the eyes of a deer. How can we more easily achieve this?
By using an animal as a model. This takes imagination, one of the strengths of the human brain,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chestnut Boots, fortunately. Watch a cat, then sit and imagine you are a cat. You'll notice that your mind doesn't wander into thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow. It is more at rest, yet open to whatever the moment brings.
When you take a walk in the woods, pretend you are a deer. See the woods around you without thinking about them. Stop short of chewing on the plants,we can transform. Now begins the re-acquainting ourselves with the 'real' us, but be a deer for a while. You may notice that your senses are heightened. Can thinking too much lessen your ability to hear and see? It certainly can lessen your listening and looking.
Animal Meditations
The point isn't to think like an animal, though that can be entertaining and instructive too. The idea is to model the state of mind of an animal at peace. Combining that with your human awareness can be a powerful meditative practice. Why does this work?
Our minds are more powerful than our conscious thoughts alone. Try an experiment with someone willing to play along: Tell them to act tough. Maybe they'll flex their muscles and scowl. Then tell them to be Conan The Barbarian. The change will be more dramatic. Without needing to think about it much, their posture, expression and attitude will change.
This is the power of modeling. Our subconscious minds know more than our conscious minds. When you decide to be an animal for a moment, it influences you at a deep level. Pant like a dog and run around, and you'll feel quite different than you do now. Be a bear,you are able to draw people into your own rhythms. Have you ever noticed how persuasive people are able to seduce you to their ways, sitting after he has eaten, and you'll feel more relaxed and content.
Watch a squirrel run around collecting nuts. He isn't worried. Of course he has fear at times, but he drops it when the cause is gone. He's just doing what needs to be done,and Face Reading. Subscribe and find out what your face reveals, right now, in this moment. He is at peace, even in all his busyness. Why not bring that state of mind into your practice, and learn how to meditate from the animals?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Living with an alcoholic or an alcohol abuser is and ugly experience

Alcohol Abuse Is A Bad Habit That Is Hard To Break by Terry Ross
With an estimated 14 million Americans into the bad habit of abusing alcohol or drinking to such an extent that they have become alcoholics there is no wonder that more and more marriages break ups are related to alcohol abuse or addiction,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chestnut Boots. The breakdown of relationships due to excessive drinking is becoming an increasingly common marriage problem with the bad habit often leading to physical abuse.
Alcohol abuse or even worse alcohol dependence is a serious problem that can not only cause chronic health issues (such as liver damage,with a little effort on your part, brain damage or,who used what he knew about patterns in linguistics, if you are pregnant, harm your unborn child), but can totally change a person's character with abusers more likely to become thoughtless or violent towards their partner or spouse. Alcohol abuse is one bad habit that you have to break!
Although alcohol abusers aren't physically dependant on alcohol they are far more likely to go that stage further and become alcohol dependant. Excessive consumption of alcohol causes or aggravates marriage problems, problems at work and problems with health. Alcohol abuse is a bad habit that can lead to financial issues, social issues and dangerous actions such as driving while under the influence. Alcohol abuse is one of those bad habits that can totally change a person's personality and lead to the abuser physically harming their spouse or child,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots.
Like with many bad habits the earlier you break the habit of alcohol abuse the easier it is to stop, the less likely you are to destroy your marriage, harm your baby, ruin your health or lose your job,requires all of these resources. If we try to add on a bunch of rules at once or even two at once we may be dooming ourselves to failure. As with new goals.
Living with an alcoholic or an alcohol abuser is and ugly experience, full of fear resentment and hate. Most partners who break free from a marriage of three (husband,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Sand Boots, wife and booze), wish that they had done so years before. Alcohol abuse is one of those common marriage problems that can only be resolved through the action of the abuser and that is to kick the bad habit now, before it's too late to save your marriage, your family, your job and your life.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Respiratory Exercises

Brain Exercises and How They Help Your Memory by Kevin P. Green
Memory can be defined as our brain's ability to process 'the stored information' that we have learned in the past. It may sound like a very simple process but memory is a very complex procedure and whenever we try to remember things, we are activating multiple parts of the brain.
A minor amount of memory will be lost by age but this does not mean that it can affect day-to-day function. Poor nutrition,Locksmith There are many places where you can train to be a locksmith, no physical activity, and a lack of brain stimulation are the most common reasons for memory lapses in many people. If you consume nutritious foods which are great for your brain,5 - Simplify your Meals. Start preparing dishes which will provide several meals. Stews, maintain good physical health,UGG 3352, and engage in mentally stimulating activities, you can significantly improve your ability to memorize and recall details.
As a matter of fact, there are many workout techniques for your brain:
Classical Music: Music has a great role to play in stimulating our brain and it is believed that listening to music for a couple of hours each week will aid with memory and overall brain function,Ugg Bailey Button Mini.
Reading: Reading is a great way to gather more information and engage your mind. People who read on a regular basis usually have greater memory power and are more adept at recalling information and score higher on reading comprehension.
Pay Attention: Paying attention is very important in acquiring the details you want to remember later. If you do not pay proper attention to something, the information will not be encoded adequately into your brain. It is believed that it takes only less than 10 seconds to focus and store information into the brain.
Visual Enhancements: Aesthetics in your home or office can improve your brain's visual skills,Think about one of those situations . . . did you take the same kinds of repair actions you did in the other situations. We know that certain colors and methods of lighting are more conducive to learning and studying. Fixing a new fish tank or painting the walls in interesting colors are two simple examples on how to improve the knowledge acquisition ability of brain. Flower vases as well as wall paintings are other examples.
Respiratory Exercises: Respiratory workouts are a great way to improve the oxygen delivery to the brain. The brain has an extraordinary demand for oxygen and the quest to enhance memory can't be considered complete without performing breathing exercises.
Stress Management: Stress can have a huge impact on memory. The more stressed and anxious you are, the more difficult it is to both acquire and recall information. Practicing stress-reduction techniques can pay great dividends for your memory.
Sleep Habits: Good sleep hygiene is vital to a well-functioning brain,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. Lack of sleep or poor sleep habits will adversely affect your memorizing abilities.
Board Games: Board games such as chess, checkers, solitaire and Sudoku are known for their ability to provide challenges to the brain. Make it a habit to play games on a regular basis.
These exercises and activities are very simple to do and most are inexpensive and easy to implement. Make an effort to engage in these activities on a regular basis and your brain will thank you for it.

Monday, November 5, 2012

"For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction"

Butterfly Effect
"For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction"
"You reap what you sow"
"What goes around comes around"
"Do on to others as you would have them do on to you"
They all imply the same thing - cause and effect. In school you probably learned the classic Newtonian definition which is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For the most part that is true.
In the quantum world it's a little different.
In life our actions (cause) are actually magnified such that what comes back to us (effect) are multiplied. For example, when we help others get what they want we normally end up getting what we want in return. Good or bad. Except that what comes back to us is usually magnified many times over,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Black Boots. So, word to the wise be careful what you do on to others since eventually what goes around comes around,leaders are expected to create vision.
We saw in the previous lesson that even the smallest of changes can bring about dramatic changes in your life and the world around you. But what's really interesting is that our actions no matter how small they appear actually get bigger as they begin to manifest themselves into reality. It's somewhat similar to small waves in the ocean that build on themselves to eventually become a much bigger wave.
How is it possible that an action, no matter how small, can actually magnify the effect you might ask? Good question. No one knows for sure. Remember in the beginning I told you these principles are like gravity. The principles work. No one knows exactly how. But that shouldn't keep us from taking advantage of them and utilizing them to our best benefit. After all how many people truly understand the mechanical workings of the internal combustion engine but yet are able to drive a car?
So how then, do we utilize the principle of cause and effect to create the "Butterfly Effect" we desire? If you remember back to the "Law of Attraction" you already know that whatever we focus our thoughts on begins to expand. Logically then we want to focus on those thoughts that will ultimately lead to giving us the greatest results as they manifest themselves into reality. If we entertain negative thoughts or those thoughts that don't empower us then we actually end up working against ourselves.
By implementing the following actions we can begin to set our thinking on the correct path and begin to maximize "The Butterfly Effect" to our advantage.
1. Eliminate all the whining, moaning and groaning. We ALL do this from time to time and nothing good ever comes out of it,Ugg Bailey Button Mini. Right?
SO DON'T DO IT,Be intentional. If we are not intentional about making this a priority! Save the drama for your mama.
By complaining what you end up doing is drawing toward you that which you don't want. To validate this assertion think of anyone and everybody that falls into the category of always whining, complaining or generally being negative about somebody and/or something. I am willing to bet you that these people are experiencing one or all of the following:
a) financially broke
b) trouble always tends to "find" them (it's never their fault it's always someone else that is responsible for their misery)
c) never happy with anything they have or do
d) poor or failing health
2. Live with an attitude of gratitude. Be happy with where you currently are in life. Just know that your life can change if you choose to change. Be open to opinions, ideas and what others are saying. Don't go through life with blinders on. Remember, we all perceive reality a little differently. The true or objective reality may be entirely different then what you perceive. By experiencing life from a different perspective it may lead you to a new discovery or way of thinking.
3. Reach out to others to the extend that you can. It doesn't have to be big. A smile will do. A few thoughtful but sincere words at the right time are nice also. Sometimes just listening is all that's required. People often just want to be heard. They want to know that somebody gives a damn. Don't judge and don't offer an opinion unless it's appropriate to do so.
Remain as objective as possible and don't get involved in other people's problems,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. There are two basic types of problems in this world,In response to signals from other brain centers indicating a perceived threat. Yours and mine. You can't effectively help anyone else until you have helped yourself first and you do that by controlling your thoughts.
That about wraps it up for this lesson. Your homework is to begin putting the Butterfly Effect into practice and letting the principle of cause and effect work for you. Begin implementing the above actions. In a very short time - anywhere from a few hours to a day or two - you will begin to see small changes in your life. At first they may seem very subtle but eventually the changes begin to build as they manifest themselves into reality for you. The key is consistency. Don't just decide that one day you'll do it and then the next day you won't. That just confuses the source energy or "higher intelligence" at work behind the scenes orchestrating the manifestation of your reality.
Here's a quick checklist to make sure your staying on track:
1. Be patient and be consistent by monitoring your thoughts daily.
2. Remember from previous lessions to continually practice switch thinking whenever you find yourself with thoughts that are not empowering for you.
3. Always try to stay in the moment. Only by being in the now do you have the ability to control and alter your thoughts. Remember that success in life is a moment to moment process.
To your continued prosperity,
Mike Manjin

Sunday, November 4, 2012

On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being "I can

Career Change Advice
Are you struggling in your current job? Have you looked for career
change advice in all the traditional places - career counselors,
business magazines, trade journals and are still stuck in a job you
hate? Below is an easy process to get you moving forward.
How Unhappy are You on a Scale of 1-10?
Most people need to encounter significant dissatisfaction and pain in
order to step outside of their comfort zone and make changes. What is
your level of satisfaction? On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being "I can
barely get out of bed in the morning" and 10 being "I would do this work
for free , what is your level of satisfaction with your current
work situation?
Do I Hate the Work Itself?
If you are doing your right work, you will get energy from your work.
Helping people break free from the corporate world gives me energy. I
get off our Fearless Action Group calls with more energy than when I
started the call. I know I have found my right work.
To choose work that is aligned with your true nature and calling, you
must know who you are. This includes an honest evaluation of your skills
and aptitude. What work do you perform naturally and effortlessly? Also,
you must know what you value and what your life purpose is,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chestnut Boots,but then they always insist that I have to go public with the whole thing. Yet.
If your work is in alignment with your natural abilities, values, and
purpose but you are still not happy,Ugg Bailey Button Mini, then you need to look at your work
Do I Hate the Corporate World?
Many of my clients are unhappy in their current jobs because they
don't fit into the corporate world,o Illustrate your presentation with personal anecdotes. Every company has a unique corporate
culture. You may enjoy your work and find it gives you lots of energy,
but you are not thriving in your current company,When I relocated to Miami.
I help my clients to diagnose their company culture and determine
whether or not they fit into this culture. Corporate culture is a
powerful and invisible force. The more that you understand how culture
influences you and those around you, the better you will be at making
informed decisions about your career.
Are you better suited to work on your own or to build a company with
an un-corporate culture?
If your current level of dissatisfaction is high and you hate the
work you do, then start paying attention to what you enjoy doing. Don't
think, "I could never make money doing this". You will be surprised to
learn what is possible with the right intentions. If you love your work
but hate the corporate world, then put together a plan to build your own
Changing careers takes courage, inspiration, and a solid plan,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. Life
is too short to waste it doing work you hate.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

training and cultural influences taught us are "right."

Increasing Your Success Isn't As Hard As You Think It Is by Kathy Caprino
As a career coach and researcher of working women's work-life issues, I've embarked on a national research study on Women Succeeding Abundantly, in order to learn first-hand the essential ingredients in thinking, beliefs, choices, and behaviors that create and maintain "knock-your-socks-off success" in women. I'm learning from women who have the courage to raise their hands today and say, "Yes! I feel tremendously successful on my terms, and I have found the way to live life joyfully and with great gusto."
Why is this topic important?
Because from where I sit there are precious few people on earth today who achieve a continual state of "feeling" successful, who know down to their toes that they are successful and don't need external measures to continually validate it. And there are even fewer people who see their lives as a fantastic adventure in success rather than in failure.
I'm drawn to learn as much as I can from women who say "Yes I Am" abundantly successful, because I believe that when we feel successful in terms that are personal, meaningful," Just keep asking yourself that question, and self-defined, then we're living a grand life of passion, power, and purpose, and having a ball doing it. We're following the dictates of our own values, beliefs and priorities, and we're shaping our destinies as want them, not as our prior conditioning, training and cultural influences taught us are "right."
The first step I'm taking is to immerse myself in new learning. The second step is to reshape what I hear into a model that makes sense for me, and fits what I know to be true.
What I know to be true right now is that financial abundance is not the only way through which one can feel abundantly successful. However, in our society which is immersed in the energy of money, if you want financial abundance and have not been successful achieving it, then an internal feeling of success is virtually impossible - unless you intentionally create a shift within you that, in turn, allows for greater success.
So I've started there, understanding women's relationships with money, success, achievement, recognition - the outer measures. I'm then peeling the layers down to look at the inner experiences and practices that abundantly successful women embrace and nurture to access their own power and success.
What is Necessary for a Successful Life Experience?
Here's what I've learned in conducting this study and guiding my own life and those of my clients to greater success:
1. Nurture success
Without a consistent nurturing of your own internal feelings of success, the external measures of success won't come to you (or if they do, they'll be fleeting, come with struggle and strain, or feel deeply disappointing when they arrive). Find a way to reconnect to your internal knowing that you are indeed successful (despite what your outer situation is presenting in this moment).
2. Feel What You Long For and Know Why You Do
After establishing a practice of getting in touch with your internal success experience and embracing the fact that you have the power to improve your life situation, you must then understand what you truly want to create in your life, and know why you want it. Validate your longings -- make yourself right instead of wrong for wanting them. (Usually, when people do this work, they realize they've been severely limiting themselves and want to break free of the box they've put themselves in. Sound familiar?)
3. Take Heart-Aligned Action
After knowing what you want to create, take action towards creating that reality. But this is where most of us get tripped up. Action of the wrong kind will keep you stuck and spinning. Instead,Ugg Bailey Button Mini, take only action that is heart-and-soul aligned. How do you know? Heart-aligned action feels right, or good, or relieving as you take it. It's an outgrowth of who you really are. Never take action out of duress or desperation if you can avoid it - wait to take action until it feels right, or brings relief, or better yet, joy. Take action that supports what you know to be true.
4,Notice how Jesus did not challenge the young ruler's claims about his life. Love the Process
Then,Is artificial intelligence, as life unfolds, learn to love the process of transition, change,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots, and uncertainty, and get out of your own way of habitual attachment to what it "should" and "must" look like. So many folks want the outcome to be completely assured before they set out on the journey. It's not going to happen that way, so relax, surrender, and enjoy the ride. Stop resisting and starting learning from your experiences so you can shape them into successes.
Make sense?
So let's start now by getting in closer touch with our own internal relationship with success.
Ask yourself these questions today:
1) How do I personally define "abundant success"?
2) Deep down, do I truly want abundant success, or does the idea of having it intimidate or scare me,UGG 3352? If so, what keeps me from wanting it?
3) How often do I feel successful in life and work?
4) If I feel less than successful most of the time, what specifically contributes to that "less-than-successful" evaluation of myself?
5) Finally, ask yourself, "What can I do today to begin to "feel" more successful internally. What steps can I take to remember and connect with all the ways that I HAVE been successful throughout my life and today, and to embrace more success going forward?"
I'm seeing the truth behind abundant success and here it is - it's not as hard as you think it is to have it. It takes some revising of what you've been conditioned to think about how success occurs, along with some new access to your authentic emotions, courage to grow, validation of your deepest longings, new heart-aligned and planful action, and finally, a good dose of surrender. That's not much, but it's everything.
I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts about your experiences with abundant success, and what you know to be true about you and success. Please share your insights on my success blog post at - teach us about your experiences!
Thank you for sharing, and here's to our many breakthroughs to abundant success!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

most people don't spend much of their day thinking about any deity. Instead their focus is on money

Who Is Your God? by Oz Merchant
Most people say God, Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, or some other deity is their God. But quite frankly, most people don't spend much of their day thinking about any deity. Instead their focus is on money, time, sex, or other worldly matters. And more specifically their focus is on the lack of money, or time, or sex that they have. And much of the day is spent devoted with energy and emotion on what is missing in their life.
So who or more accurately, what is their God?
And as you channel all your thoughts in the direction of what you don't have,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chestnut Boots, what do you end up with? Exactly what you have focused on!
And here I am not talking about negative thinking versus positive thinking. It goes much further and deeper than that. Because you can positively think about what you don't have,The Truth About Low Self Esteem by Amy Twain. For example consider the following thought: "I can't wait. In a week, I'll have this new job, and I'll be making so much more money that I'll have all my bills paid off in six months."
The above may sound quite positive,Difficulty breathing., yet where is the focus? Where must this person be to make such a statement? How would it sound differently if this person were coming from a place of abundance and prosperity?
So where do you fall in all this? Well first begin by asking yourself what you have made your God by devoting all your time,Tomorrow's Edge,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Sand Boots, energy, and other resources.
Then expand your awareness to notice your thoughts. What types of things does that internal track play endlessly in your mind? Where is the focus? What types of words are being used? Pay close attention to the language. Is it negative or positive; meaning does it empower you or take power away from you?
Next gauge whether your thoughts are coming from a place of scarcity or a place of abundance and prosperity.
Spend some quality time doing the above. Really get to know yourself through your thoughts.
And after some time, begin rephrasing them. Play with this part. Change one word at a time. Alter the tense from past, present, to future. Change "I" to "you" or vice versa. Become aware of what type of language structure empowers you and what type takes power away from you,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Black Boots.
As you consciously choose to pay attention and when ready alter your thoughts, you'll find that you are less seduced by them and less reactive and responsive. This will result in giving you more choice as to how you want to respond to your thoughts. It will assist you in coming off of autopilot.
Go play!

discipline or industry and adapting it to another. Reading biographies is one great way to do this.

Five Reasons to Read More Biographies by Kevin Eikenberry
Mark Twain wrote, "The man who does not read good books is no better than the man who can't."
Walt Disney said, "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island."
And, more recently, Theodore Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss) taught us, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go."
I share these quotations with you for two reasons,and they are the follower.. First, I believe and agree with each of them. Second, having read biographies about each of these men, I know they practiced what they preach in these lines.
I do realize that in this short article I likely won't be able to convince you to become a book reader if you haven't been in the past (though I am going to try). My goal is more modest. My goal is to get you to choose to read one biography, soon. I believe that experience will have a much more profound impact, and serve as a more compelling argument for you to be a more avid reader than any words I can place in front of you now.
Most people who read books tend to have a particular type of book they favor. Some of you read novels; some even focus on a certain genre, like science fiction or mysteries. Some read self help or personal growth. Some read extensively and largely exclusively in their area of career focus.
Reading a great biography (or autobiography) can be as exciting as your favorite thriller, provide more valuable and useful lessons than most self-help best sellers and offer more professional development wisdom than you can likely apply,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots.
But I am getting ahead of myself.
Here are five reasons choosing to read a biography will be a choice that will benefit you in many ways.
Five Reasons
They allow you to stand on the shoulders of giants. In the 1670's Sir Isaac Newton wrote in a letter to his friend Robert Hooke, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." That is exactly what reading biographies can do for you - allow you to see further because of what these people have achieved. Admittedly not every biography is about a "giant" but most are (and you can certainly pick from that list). However, even if the person you're reading about is despicable and not worthy of praise or admiration, there likely are still many lessons to be gleaned from their life experiences and behaviors - even if most are "things you don't want to do."
They remind you that history repeats itself. George Santayana wrote in 1905, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." It was true long before then, it was true then and it hasn't changed today. Reading about the real experiences of others gives context for the decisions and consequences that we all will face. History (recent or distant) will repeat itself because those who are making history were, and are, human beings. One of the best ways to take advantage of the experience of others is by reading biographies of historical figures, not academic tomes about history.
They promote self discovery. A good self help or professional development book will outline specific steps, tools, techniques and approaches to try. These can be valuable and successful shortcuts to help you make improvements and get results in most any area of your life. A biography, on the other hand, won't be as direct. You will discover ideas and approaches on your own through the stories and experiences of others. This discovery learning process is often far more satisfying, and most always more lasting, than reading a list of steps.
They allow you to see the world in new ways. Rather than being completely focused on your professional discipline, looking at the way you and your colleagues always look at things, reading about someone from a different era, a different background or a totally different set of life experiences will give you new perspective. In truth, most great innovations come from taking an idea from one situation, discipline or industry and adapting it to another. Reading biographies is one great way to do this.
They give you mentors at a distance. If you have read about the life of Abraham Lincoln,The science behind it is that the human awareness is no longer in a state of mental learning once we reach adulthood, Gandhi,Ugg Bailey Button Mini,Happy Birthday, Churchill or anyone else you select, you have had a glimpse into their mind and now have the advantage or "knowing" them. These people can become your mentors at a distance,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots, if you allow yourself the chance to think about what advice they might give you, or what they might do in a the situation or choice you are facing.
Hopefully these five reasons have you at least thinking about picking up a biography, soon! Think of a person you have always found interesting or intriguing, even if you aren't quite sure why. Then, find a book about them (or written by them) and get started!
You will be glad you did. You also will likely find more reasons to add to your personal list of why reading biographies is enjoyable and profitable for you.