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Monday, November 5, 2012

"For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction"

Butterfly Effect
"For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction"
"You reap what you sow"
"What goes around comes around"
"Do on to others as you would have them do on to you"
They all imply the same thing - cause and effect. In school you probably learned the classic Newtonian definition which is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For the most part that is true.
In the quantum world it's a little different.
In life our actions (cause) are actually magnified such that what comes back to us (effect) are multiplied. For example, when we help others get what they want we normally end up getting what we want in return. Good or bad. Except that what comes back to us is usually magnified many times over,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Black Boots. So, word to the wise be careful what you do on to others since eventually what goes around comes around,leaders are expected to create vision.
We saw in the previous lesson that even the smallest of changes can bring about dramatic changes in your life and the world around you. But what's really interesting is that our actions no matter how small they appear actually get bigger as they begin to manifest themselves into reality. It's somewhat similar to small waves in the ocean that build on themselves to eventually become a much bigger wave.
How is it possible that an action, no matter how small, can actually magnify the effect you might ask? Good question. No one knows for sure. Remember in the beginning I told you these principles are like gravity. The principles work. No one knows exactly how. But that shouldn't keep us from taking advantage of them and utilizing them to our best benefit. After all how many people truly understand the mechanical workings of the internal combustion engine but yet are able to drive a car?
So how then, do we utilize the principle of cause and effect to create the "Butterfly Effect" we desire? If you remember back to the "Law of Attraction" you already know that whatever we focus our thoughts on begins to expand. Logically then we want to focus on those thoughts that will ultimately lead to giving us the greatest results as they manifest themselves into reality. If we entertain negative thoughts or those thoughts that don't empower us then we actually end up working against ourselves.
By implementing the following actions we can begin to set our thinking on the correct path and begin to maximize "The Butterfly Effect" to our advantage.
1. Eliminate all the whining, moaning and groaning. We ALL do this from time to time and nothing good ever comes out of it,Ugg Bailey Button Mini. Right?
SO DON'T DO IT,Be intentional. If we are not intentional about making this a priority! Save the drama for your mama.
By complaining what you end up doing is drawing toward you that which you don't want. To validate this assertion think of anyone and everybody that falls into the category of always whining, complaining or generally being negative about somebody and/or something. I am willing to bet you that these people are experiencing one or all of the following:
a) financially broke
b) trouble always tends to "find" them (it's never their fault it's always someone else that is responsible for their misery)
c) never happy with anything they have or do
d) poor or failing health
2. Live with an attitude of gratitude. Be happy with where you currently are in life. Just know that your life can change if you choose to change. Be open to opinions, ideas and what others are saying. Don't go through life with blinders on. Remember, we all perceive reality a little differently. The true or objective reality may be entirely different then what you perceive. By experiencing life from a different perspective it may lead you to a new discovery or way of thinking.
3. Reach out to others to the extend that you can. It doesn't have to be big. A smile will do. A few thoughtful but sincere words at the right time are nice also. Sometimes just listening is all that's required. People often just want to be heard. They want to know that somebody gives a damn. Don't judge and don't offer an opinion unless it's appropriate to do so.
Remain as objective as possible and don't get involved in other people's problems,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. There are two basic types of problems in this world,In response to signals from other brain centers indicating a perceived threat. Yours and mine. You can't effectively help anyone else until you have helped yourself first and you do that by controlling your thoughts.
That about wraps it up for this lesson. Your homework is to begin putting the Butterfly Effect into practice and letting the principle of cause and effect work for you. Begin implementing the above actions. In a very short time - anywhere from a few hours to a day or two - you will begin to see small changes in your life. At first they may seem very subtle but eventually the changes begin to build as they manifest themselves into reality for you. The key is consistency. Don't just decide that one day you'll do it and then the next day you won't. That just confuses the source energy or "higher intelligence" at work behind the scenes orchestrating the manifestation of your reality.
Here's a quick checklist to make sure your staying on track:
1. Be patient and be consistent by monitoring your thoughts daily.
2. Remember from previous lessions to continually practice switch thinking whenever you find yourself with thoughts that are not empowering for you.
3. Always try to stay in the moment. Only by being in the now do you have the ability to control and alter your thoughts. Remember that success in life is a moment to moment process.
To your continued prosperity,
Mike Manjin

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